Design Education and Reflection
A small Exceprt from Erik Stolterman's paper
The Nature of Design Practice and Implications
for Interaction Design Research
A little more about the reflective practioner by Schon here(Dan Saffers Blog)
The Nature of Design Practice and Implications
for Interaction Design Research
Design education can prepare for such situations, but it.
cannot prescribe how to act in them. If someone is not prepared
to handle such complexity, methods and techniques cannot with
any “guarantee” guide anyone through such situations. One
example of an approach that manages to fulfill this requirement
is manifested in the notions of reflection-in-action, reflectionon-
action and design repertoire by Schön (1983). With these
concepts Schön intended to give designers tools for reflection
that they can use to continuously develop their design abilities
A little more about the reflective practioner by Schon here(Dan Saffers Blog)