Illusive realities
As humans we all face various levels of struggles and challenges travelling through the journey called life. But there is a magical part in our lives which we often ignore or are not cognizant about. It starts as kids when we believe in the starry fairy tales or start role playing into worlds that exist in the corner of our minds. But it doesnt end there, however serious and "professional" the adultworld may look our illusions dont change. Infact we still have illusions as a prime motivator in our thoughts. We still love to be swept away in a world that is different from the real. More so when we are adults.
We watch movies or plays just to imagine ourselves as the protagonist living the life that we imagine we could live. And even if you are a billionaire life doesnt stop there, we want to cut away from the steady routine reality and breakaway into short sweet bubbles of momentary comfort.
Todays technology makes being in the illusive space even more easier and less conscious. Be it playing games in a far fetched imaginary world where you are a soldier or the thought of becoming a beauty pagent winner looking at a reality show on television. Mingling through reality illusive mind of ours wants to constantly breakaway and become what we arent, be where we arent or feel what we cant. Its a constant hunger to keep our potent selves in a state of imagination while we live in the world that is ever changing with crisis. Be it consciously being selective about the news that we listen to or choosing personal interpretations of our religious beliefs. The so called social revolution brings us to the epitome of illusive reality, where the world of the "other" looks always beautiful and every improving, we strive in that mirage just to change ourselves to narcissitic illusionary beings.
Ilusion is surely not bad, and neither something we can get rid of completely. How much of our selves could grasp the true nature of the universe after all. We all need the taste of the unknown, and yet an illusionary one to contain our fears but yet enraging into adventures of our minds. Living lives maybe just momentarily of our lost selves or the future that we could never be.
With a need to connect and communicate just to showcase our own broken identities we form Illusive relationships with strangers and label them as friends just to keep our illusive selves alive. We create stories in the back of our minds of what could have been and turning them into a fact or reality just to confirm ourselves in the eyes of others as someone of respect.
Ofcourse not all of our lives is an illusion, or else we wouldnt function in this harsh world at all. But yes we do need that corner of solace, be it expressed externally or internally, to keep ourselves hopeful and motivated in this reality called life.