Systemic Careers and the new age.

When we first see careers as a subject in our lives, it clearly shows our innate ambition to become someone, like someone, do something or have something.

Just like a kid may like to become a doctor since he or she wants to be in the power situation of controlling patients or simply that he likes the idea of treating people and getting respect for what is done.

However my musings in this domain have brought me to a different understanding of careers as a whole. ( This understanding may have been existed in the universe and i do not claim it to be the inventor of the same.)

When we study systems in our academic scenarios we see how each system affects us. We start with systems in schools where we study how water cycle or carbon cycle, food chain etc.
As we grow we learn bigger systems like economics that exist within the world.

The idea of systems is so vast that it can be applied everywhere in the world around us.

Now lets come back to careers. Today we see around us careers like engineers, doctors, sportsman, politicians etc.

Each of these careers in the last generations were nothing but the art of mastering existing systems.So for instance a lawyer masters the system of law or constitution of a country/state. Now since he masters the same he is given the authority to practice that career. In the case of law, the lawyer does not change the law, but follows the system to adhere to the law. But some lawyers grow to the level of not just practicing it but also requesting to modifying it, or making new instances of decisions to maintain its existence.
So in law an advocate may be a position, a higher career position would be a lawyer in a bigger court and even higher may be being the judge, or even a chief justice, who may have the power to change the law. ( there may be many intermediately positions but here we are just trying to understand the situation).

Similarly if we see a computer engineer, he is a person who masters the system called computer. Now he may be practicing in details of various levels for example networking or operating systems etc, but the aim is to have an understanding of a system called computer and the capacity to manipulate or troubleshoot that system.

Getting a bit abstract we can see a politician, he is the one who masters the system of governance, taking away correct or incorrect governance, the career reckons understanding the government as a system and having the knowledge to tackle the same system.

So if we see the traditional view of careers as described above we can clearly see that there are huge number of systems around us, and each individual who has made a career in that system is a person who knows, acts, modifies, practices or is a part of that system.

With doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers etc. being the major careers in the last century this outlook has been existing with respect to those careers. Also what is interesting to see is that people have been respecting the mastering of systems as a career a lot.

Now lets come a bit ahead to the present era. Today we have people who go across systems. So for example last generation would have two system based jobs, a banker and a programmer. Today we have jobs like Financial Engineer, now this guy handles two systems, one that has to deal with banking or finances and the other that deals with programming.

Or for that instance consider the career of a web designer. he is the master of the system called web, but this system has taken birth due to the confluence of many subsystems.

This actually brings us to a very important understanding. As systems grow and intersect, the careers related to those systems also intersect. So for example Cyber Law professionals, this is a confluence of the Internet and Law as two varied systems.

As we see around us new systems are growing, as designers and engineers build new systems, the expertise to handle or understand those systems and hence master those systems becomes a matter of importance. For example 10 years back mobile phones were not as popular as we would see today. Today companies are particular at asking for students who have mastered in mobile based courses. You never know that the core engineering courses may also be modified accordingly.

What we can see as an overall growth is that systems grow, and the jobs associated to those systems increase and hence the ability to understand new systems becomes of prime importance.

Are system based jobs, or cross system based jobs the only jobs/ careers out there?

Well the answer is NO. If you have systems out there, there have to be people who create new systems. Of course all these systems are man made, and those which are not are generally those which are results of man made actions or natural systems.

People who create systems are of higher importance to the society, and are surely difficult careers to consider. Why? Well this is the plane of thinking where you defy existing systems or understand existing systems to such depth that you can create new systems.

Designers, Scientists, Artists, Exploratory Engineers(Imagineers), Discovers, Law Makers, Authors, Philosophers are people who create, discover or synthesize new systems.

However this does not reduce the importance of those who follow these systems. For that instance if the created systems are not followed then the existence of the system itself is at stake.

Creationist careers are important to the society as well as System practitioners. However what seems to be evident as a whole is the dynamism required in present day careers due to the rapid change in systems and the increase of creationist attitudes of the society.

What also remains as an understanding is the need for understanding of fundamental systems which tend to exist across timelines.

Some fundamental systems tend to remain constant across dynamism of other systems. This has clearly been observed across systems and the understanding of these fundamentals can surely help the practitioners as well as creationists of those systems.

Dynamism in understanding systems and a better understanding of fundamental systems can surely help modern day system practitioners.

What is also interesting to see is the increasing role of system practitioners as Creationists and the formation of new careers which amalgamate the roles and functions of both.

Career Seekers with such a mixed profile of Creationist-cum-System practitioner are surely the need of the modern day society as well as industry.We can call these profiles as
"CreaSys Practitioners"

CreaSys practitioners and their Challenges.

CreaSys practitioners are those who understand their respective systems well enough but at the same time have an urge to change, modify the systems or ideate the birth of parallel systems.

The challenges CreaSys Practitioners face in todays organizations is the space for creation or the space for deeper understanding of the systems. Not all organizations allow young CreaSys practioners to go deeper into understanding systems or to practice creationist perspectives of theirs.

What is an equal challenge by the very nature of these practitioners is the renumeration done to them. Although only renumeration does not satisfy their hunger of creationism, organizations tend to overuse the mixed capacity of these individuals and hence keep them under pressure. The pressure is dual for them, one is to function as a practitioner of the system, while other is to think beyond the system.
The handling of this dual levels of pressure is the required as a capacity the CreaSys Practitioners. The organizations who consider such practitioners should also provide a conducive balance between these levels for them.


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