
What exists between our inner souls towards liking of others? It is clear that we as humans want others to like us, like our decisions, our actions or even our words. For those who do not like us and may or may not dislike us may not be liked by us always.

The thirst of being liked, or even for that instance being accepted brings a kind of zeal towards righteousness in our selves.

But the truth which we all face and perhaps know but may not accept always is that we cannot be liked by all because we ourselves cannot like all. And since we are also similar to all, our likeability cannot exist in totality.

Another interesting gameplay of the human mind is that of understanding of genuine liking. Sometimes some people crave for genuine liking or disliking as it reflects the true nature of our selves.

This is something which we may not always accept, but most of the time realize. We being liked or disliked by others in some way or the other creates an understanding of our true selves. Which may not always be true since what we may see on the basis of likeability may be biased by many factors towards someones actions in making their selves likeable.

In simpler words, We as humans can see parts of our body, but cannot see our own face with our own eyes. We need a reflection of our face by which we can see our own body.
Similarly our minds also need a reflection to show us our nature. Our composite whole cannot be perceived by our body directly.

The irony is that the reflection of the face tells us about our face, or the existence and form factor of its structure. And that it is fixed to our body as a whole.

But at the same time it does not tell us how good, bad or ugly our face is. This is recognized only when we see other faces, or like or dislike other faces. The liking or disliking of these other faces now forms a relative measure in our minds to judge our own face. We can hence conclude that exposing ourselves to other faces helps us judge our own face.

Now similarly in society when we see others´ behaviors and like or dislike that behavior ourselves we are able to judge our own behavior. This may however not be the only way of understanding self, however surely impacts much of peoples outlook towards themselves. Many social networking sites are a good example of such a behavior among people.

The like-ability of others behaviors makes us find similar attributes inside us, and if absent build similar attributes inside us. On the other hand many times when we defend our own behaviors we tend to dislike the behaviors of others which go in opposite to our own behavior.This leads to rating of our own behavior as better than that of others behaviors.

The area of righteousness and goodness is gray and the search for eternal truths in this domain have been going on in religious thought process for long.

However the relative likeability inside each one of us, is influenced by the likeability of others upon us cannot be falsified.

Many may disagree to this and say that their existence does not get affected by peoples behaviors towards them. This however cannot be true because their growth from childhood to adulthood may have had deep influences based on likeability of their parents and friends.

Such influences may not be measurable however the existence of such influence cannot be denied completely.


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