Design: Expression vs Impression
In the realms of design thinking, User Centered thinking has a critical mass. But when we see the likes of Fashion design, are the products really for the user only? How much of the designers thought is a part of such a thinking? Its this thin line between "make for self" vs "make for other" that brings me to thoughts. Expression in its own periphery has most of the times been associated with Art. An artist creates his art based on his own expression of his feelings or perspectives towards the world. While on the other side there is Impression. The process of making something to "wow" the other...or impress the other. Now this other could be a single person (like your wife or girlfriend). Or it could be a group of similar people, like we call in traditional design, User Group. So where does design stand? Do we call something created towards self expression as only art? Or if that same thing can be accepted by the society in a useful manner be called ...