
Showing posts from December, 2007

Technolgy 4 control

Solving the problem of what is the real world. And what we as humans try to do is depict the real world in the snapshots of our own control For eg. When it comes to science what we are doing is nothing but depicting what the real world does in our own control. May it be films or art or sound or music it all looks like a predefined control of humans over what the real world already exists. So if every act of humans can be linked back to the real world then how would you define the existence of technology in the real world. How can we relate technology back to the real world how can we say we are trying to control the real world with technology? Technology is stated as a expression of science. When from what we find in science we implement to control our everyday lives we say it is technology. When as humans we cannot do a particular thing and can do it using this particular thing we call it technology. So it is also a sort of control over the real world. We as humans are control freaks ...